Our online shop is open 24/7 for your orders - All items are VAT included.

Racing Fleece

High Grade black polar fleece - gold embroidered text on the left breast, sizes as follows, Small, Medium, Large, XL and XXL, price includes delivery, please send us your size and delivery address in the form below after payment quoting ref SBR10

Please allow 7 -10 days for delivery.

On the back is our website name, i.e. www.surreybloodstockracing.co.uk

Price £47.99

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Racing Gilet

High grade black quilted gilet, will have Surrey Bloodstock Racing on the left breast in Gold text, sizes as follows - Small, Med, Large, XL and XXL, price includes delivery, please send us your size and delivery address in the form below after payment quoting SBR21

 Please allow 7 - 10 days for delivery.

Price £47.99 each.

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Racing Sweatshirt

Sweatshirt in Black with gold text embroidered on the left chest, sizes as follows, Small, Medium, Large, XL and XXL, price includes delivery, please send us your size and delivery address in the form below after payment quoting SBR18

 Please allow 7 - 10 days for delivery.

On the back is our website name, i.e. www.surreybloodstockracing.co.uk

Price £39.99

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Racing Polo shirt

Will have gold embroidered text with Surrey Bloodstock Racing with Syndicates underneath on left breast, Sizes Small, Med, XL, XXL, price includes delivery, please send us your size and delivery address in the form below after payment quoting SBR30

 Please allow 7 - 10 days for delivery

Price £29.99

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Designed by Carol Yeomanson

Sterling silver chain with a white metal horses head and comes in a nice mesh bag, all proceeds of these will go to a Cancer Charity, Price includes 1st class delivery, only 4 remaining, makes an ideal Xmas gift.

Please send us your details and delivery address in the form below after payment quoting ref SBR40 - Please allow 3-5 days for delivery.

100% of these sales go to Cancer Charity.

Price £17.99

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