If you need anymore information then please go to our "Contact us" page and drop us a message.
The Over the Jumps Racing was set up to provide members with the opportunity to enjoy the experience of Ownership in our racehorses without the high costs involved of owning your horse outright, Over the Jumps Racing allows people to have a share in a racehorse and should not be realised as an investment. We pride ourselves in giving value for money and is for the purpose of like minded owners, and enables you to go racing as an owner and enjoy the benefits of entering the owners and trainers areas of the racecourse and the parade ring to meet your jockey, saving you an average of £25 on entrance fees to go racing.
A good reason to join Over the Jumps Racing is to enjoy a day at the races watching your horse run at the races and meet other owners. We will always guarantee owners badges who wish to attend the day of the horse/s run. We do NOT balloted badges, all owners go racing with us.
On arrival at the racecourse you go to the “Owners & Trainers” entrance to collect your owners badge/s, these will be booked for you by our Racing Manager and you will be given your free race card and complimentary meal voucher, this owners badge gives you access to all areas at the racecourse, including the owners and trainers bar and restaurant where you will receive complementary soft drinks and a free 2 course complimentary meal.
No, there are no extra costs involved in your ownership or membership and covers you for the following:
Training fees, Jockeys fees, Veterinary & Blacksmith fees, British Horseracing Authority Fees, Standard race entry fees and Domestic transport to races. You will not be required to pay anymore than your syndicate monthly fees or your membership lifetime fees.
Our Racing Manager will update weekly by email and on our whatsapp racing group page when the horses are entered and declared to run, this is for owners/members only.
All prize money, including win and place monies will be paid direct into your bank account approx 8 - 10 weeks as to your percentage after the horse wins or gets placed, this is in line with Weatherby's payout system on all winnings.
Please note: 10% of all prize money will deducted for office administration costs.
At Over the Jumps Racing we abide and adhere to the BHA code of conduct
copy and paste the link into your search bar for the BHA Code of Conduct
All Rights Reserved - Over the Jumps Racing Ltd - Registered Company Number 16303789