
Racing Memberships and Syndicates

Tel - 07503-060140

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Bronze - £99.99

Annual Single Membership


Pay for your membership by a one off payment by credit, debit card or bank transfer, please click below for payment, FREE racing sweatshirt with your purchase.

Ref Number OTJR18

for a FREE RACING Sweatshirt

PLEASE ALLOW 10-14 days for delivery.

Once purchased please scroll to the bottom of the page and send us your full postal address including a contact tel number.

If you are purchasing this as a gift then please let us know in the box below and we will send out the gift paperwork.

Pay Now £99.99

Silver - £450.00

Group Membership


This membership is for up to 6 people and is a great way of getting friends or workmates involved in racing and all will get guaranteed owners badges every time the horses run.

Ref Number PTJR22

All will get a FREE RACING Sweatshirt.

PLEASE ALLOW 10-14 days for delivery.

Please put in the Message Box when you send us your details of all sizes of Sweatshirts please.

Once purchased please scroll to the bottom of the page and send us your full postal address including a contact tel number.

If you are purchasing this as a gift then please let us know in the box below and we will send out the gift paperwork.

Pay Now £450.00

Gold - £199.99

Joint Memberships


Purchasing a joint membership for you and your partner or just mates enables you to both to receive owners badges and all the benefits of the membership that we offer, i.e. if a single is membership is purchased and an owners badge is required then only 1 will get an owners badge, but by joining as a couple then both will receive owners badges.

Ref Number OTJR10

for both of your


PLEASE ALLOW 10-14 Days for delivery.

Please put in the Message Box when you send us your details of all sizes of Fleeces please.

Once purchased please scroll to the bottom of the page and send us your full postal address including a contact tel number and clothing size required.

If you are purchasing this as a gift then please let us know in the box below and we will send out the gift paperwork.

Pay Now £199.99


Full membership details are as follows:

  1. A Prize Money statement will be emailed bi-monthly on the 5th of each month and then paid directly into your bank account approx 8 - 10 weeks after for any win or place money won, this is inline with Weatherby's payout system.
  2. Your percentage will be 0.25% in all current and future horses that come into training with Over the Jumps Racing Ltd. If a group Silver membership is purchased then all will receive 0.25% of all prize money won, if a Gold Joint Membership is purchased then both will get 0.25% of all prize money won.
  3. Owner's Badges are available to enable you to have access to the owner's facilities at the races and meet the jockey and other members, plus meal vouchers for all owners at the racecourse, these will be booked by our office manager 2 days before the horse/s run and you will receive a text confirming your badge has been booked.
  4. Enter the parade ring to meet the jockey and the trainer and have your photo taken, great keepsake of the day out.
  5. Weekly Updates - from our Racing Manager.
  6. Membership - this covers all racing and training costs etc., with nothing else to pay.
  7. Race days/eves out to meet other members, you can even bring the family along as children go FREE.
  8. Post Race Reports from our racing manager.
  9. Information on entries and declarations, these are sent out by our whatsapp group page.
  10. Access to the Racing Whatsapp group.
  11. Open days 3 times a year to the racing stables.

Become a member and join us. Enjoy the benefits of becoming involved with this great sport for a fraction of the cost of owning your own horse and all the expenses that would come with it.

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