Syndicate Form

(This is what you will receive from us)

Over the Jumps Racing

21 Broome Close, Headley, Surrey, KT18 6LW 

Tel office – 01372-372970 or mobile 07471-875445 






Horse Racing is not an investment opportunity and should not be considered so. The ownership will run for the duration of the horse's career from the date of the return of this form. All owners must be aged 18 or over. All shares entitle the owner to a share of all prize money won by the Over the Jumps Racing. 

90% of all prize money will be held in a separate Racing Bank Account to be paid out approx 8 weeks after the horse/s have won any prize money, the remaining 10% will be used to cover administration costs of running the Over the Jumps Racing. 

There is a limited number of shares and once ownership has been paid a bi-monthly statement from our racing secretary will be emailed to you to show any prize money won. 

Stable and gallops visits to yards where Over the Jumps Racing horses are stabled by appointment through our racing manager. 

You will receive regular communications through email, website, and social media from our Racing Manager. 

Ownership is for your personal use only may not to be sold, assigned, leased, or offered to any third party. Any future member who is banned or warned off from a racecourse by the BHA cannot be a member of The Syndicate. 

Ownership is for entertainment. It is not an investment opportunity and should not be considered so whatsoever. 


If you need any further information, then please get in touch. 





Syndicate Racing Manger 

On behalf of Over the Jumps Racing






1. I recognise that I have obtained an ownership or FREE LEASE share of

(horses name)  (percentage of shares)  (trainers name)

payable on the 1st of each calendar month, from (Month and Year to be inserted here) 

2. I have full right, title and authority to enter into this Agreement. 

3. I am not (and have never been) banned from entering any racecourse or racing stable, or ‘warned off’ or convicted of any breach by the British Horseracing Authority. 

4. I have read and understood the terms of this Agreement and agree to abide by (and be legally bound by) its terms on our website.

5. I understand this Agreement comprises (i) the Syndicate Information, (ii) the Terms and Conditions, (iii) the Subscription for ownership, and (iv) this page entitled “Agreement to Be Legally Bound”. 

6. I agree that this Agreement constitutes a binding contract between me and (i) the Syndicate Manager and (ii) the Racing Syndicate. 

7. I am entering into this Agreement for my own benefit and not for or on behalf of anyone else. 

8. I acknowledge and agree that I will not become an owner unless and until the ownership Fee has been paid and received by Over the Jumps Racing Bank in full and cleared funds. 

9. I understand that if such payment has not been received into the syndicate Bank Account in full and cleared funds within 3 days of my signing this Agreement, the Club Manager may give me a final written warning to pay and if I still do not do so in full within a further 5 days, this Agreement shall automatically terminate and (a) I shall not become an owner of the Racing Syndicate, and (b) the Syndicate Manager shall repay to me any monies that I did pay into the Syndicate Bank Account. 


Signed: (OWNER) _______________________________________ Dated: ____/____/____ 


Your Full name and address 





ACCEPTED AND AGREED by the Syndicate Manager(s) who, by signing below, likewise confirm and agree that they have read and understood the terms of this Agreement and agree to abide by (and be legally bound by) its terms: 


Signed: ________________________________________________ Dated: ____/____/____ 


Name: ________________________________________________ 


Signed: ________________________________________________ Dated: ____/____/____ 


Name: ________________________________________________ 


ACCEPTED AND AGREED by the Racing Syndicate who, by signing below, likewise confirm and agree that they have read and understood the terms of this Agreement and agree to abide by (and be legally bound by) its terms: 


Signed: ________________________________________________ Dated: ____/____/____ 



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